Monday, February 15, 2010

A detour/"Elvis and Oswald"...February 12, 2010

On our way home from visiting our friend Jenny Craig, Patty and I saw a sign at the old feed store in town that said their baby ducklings had arrived...I had to stop and see...From past experience when my mom had baby ducks when I was a kid, I knew baby ducks were the most precious babies ever. P had never seen baby ducks, so we pulled in to take a gander. :) We oohed and aahed at the baby chicks, and asked for directions to where they were keeping their ducklings. We went around a corner and saw about 50 little fuzzballs in a galvanized tub. We bent over to look at them and this little grayish yellow one stopped what he was doing, and cocked his head to look at me. My heart melted. His little face and searching eyes clearly said, "Are you my mother?" My eyes kept darting to the sign that said $6.50 each, knowing I had no where to keep the little guys... A funny looking little duckling pushed his way through the crowd and looked up at Patty. He was yellow and black, and had black little feathers sticking up on his head. It looked as if someone moussed up his little head feathers. I named him "Elvis", and Patty named the other one "Oswald". We left the store as quickly as possible...and I had the hardest time sleeping thinking of them all alone in that feed store that night...P and I are fully aware this soft spot of ours for babies is going to potentially be a future problem...

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