Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One legged Jun, and the crow heard 'round the farm...

Our poor Jun. Several weeks ago, when my mom was visiting, she noticed our "free exotic chick", Jun, was limping. I picked him up and looked at his feet and legs and saw nothing. After a few days, it got a lot worse. We have no idea what he did, but he wouldn't walk or stand. I was really afraid we were going to lose him...that the girls would take advantage of the fact that he couldn't get away, and peck him to death. But there wasn't anything we could do. I hoped whatever was going on with him would heal itself, and he would be back to normal. He didn't move for about a week. Patty kept putting food in front of him, and dipping his beak for water, but he just laid in the corner of the coop all day and night...couldn't move to go outside or eat or drink. It's been about 3 weeks now, and he is back to hobbling around. He doesn't seem to be in pain...and he moves around pretty good...but he will probably have this bad limp for the rest of his little life...And yes, he is still bald...but we don't point that out to him because he is self-concious about it...
And the little guy crows....I think we have come to the conclusion that he is our only rooster, but a rooster he definitely is! When we go see him, he puffs up, and then lets it go with everything he has! COCKADOODLE DOO!!! It's so cute. We turn away when we giggle, because we don't want to insult his little masculinity...but it's so darn cute. And he loves being held...he falls asleep. It's probably from all the times he was held when the tar was being put on his head to protect it. But he is a real sweetheart, and I hope he is around for a really long time. :)

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