Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The saga continues...

I am so sorry! I bet you guys have been worried sick out of your minds! Last I mention the crazy Canadian Pig Farmer...and then nothing....silence....I bet you were all thinking that I met the back of my own shovel...but don't you worry your pretty little heads! All is well here. Just tremendously busy...so I will try to catch you up the best I can.
The chicken run is done...TA DUM!!!! Well except for the roofing. It's just a tarp right now. But at least they can be outside...but let me back up.
It got to the point that as long as the little bubble was between the lines it was perfectly level. Toward the end, we were dreading our days working on the run. It seemed it would never end. The chickens were getting bigger...and their coop, even though perfect for evenings, was too small for all day long.
After the frame was up, we attached two layers of fencing with a staple gun...yep...sounds like bad news....
P was shooting staples, and wondering why no staples were coming out...and the next 60 seconds happened in slow motion...She turned the staple gun, and was holding it by the wrong end...I'm not sure how it happened, but the handle was squeezed, and a staple ended up in her hand. She yelled and dropped the stapler, and held her hand out. Fortunately, she was wearing a rubber glove. But we both just stared at her hand, kind of in shock. I swear I may have even said, "Hey, did you know there is a staple in your hand?" ;) So she pulled it out and we were both dreading her taking the glove off...I knew it had to have gone in almost a half inch. She pulled her glove off, and the palm of her hand looked like she had been bit by a snake. I ran and got the first aid kit, and after some deep breathing exercises, she was doing pretty good! We cleaned her hand, and put some gauze on it. And then...being the total bad ass she is...put a latex glove on, put her rubber glove on, and then insisted we go back to work. I guess that's why she gets the Xena the Warrior Princess hammer and I get the lame one that might as well squeak...because I would have been paralyzed. I would have probably dropped to my knees, shook my bloody hand at the sky and yelled WHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?! and passed out yelling for someone to suck out the poison...And then when I woke up I would have insisted on a cast that all my friends and family could sign and an ice cream to ease my pain...So we worked for about another hour, and as a prize, I bought her duct tape bandaids to wear on her puncture so she could maintain her badass image...
So we eventually finished the run after several long days and the occasional friendly disagreement. :) On the big day we opened the little chicken door....the voices of angels were heard...and....they wouldn't go out. I had to pick up every single one of them individually and push them through the little chicken door while P had to keep them from running back in on the outside. And then to get them back in was a joke. We literally had to chase them and herd them back in. That was the first time. Now, their little chicken door is on a timer. It opens at 5am, and closes at 9pm. We can see them from our bedroom with the binoculars. It is so cute to watch them run like little football players, and try to fly. They are 18 weeks now, and should be laying in a few weeks. Eggs anyone?

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