Thursday, March 17, 2011

Barn doors...

Doing some cleaning out of this tired old barn....brushin away the cobwebs, opening up the windows and letting in some fresh air....breathe. There is a pile or two of dirt left that still needs to be swept out....sweeeeeeeep out of this barn...and back out into the world....scattering out in the wind. Pull a few things out of corners...and off of high shelves....won't be needing this anymore....don't even bother blowing the dust off. I need to make room in this barn....for new things, reasons to giggle and even new reasons to cry. New reasons to belly laugh and new things to make me sigh. A couple of my posts are rotten, but I am replacing them one by one. One or two rotten posts won't bring this barn down. Breathe... My old barn door was hanging from a hinge....enough to see what was behind it. And we all know...doors don't open until others completely close. So I grabbed a big girl hammer and some big girl nails and nailed that old barn door closed. Silence........breathe...... New doors are opening....This farm girl has new Barn doors....and whatever is behind them is so bright, I need my RayBans. ;)

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