Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hello fellow farm friends, and wannabe farm friends. I would like to introduce you to my three new sons...
They are the three that say "Reserved by BB" The little white one with golden spots is Apollo...doesn't he have the cutest face?!
The little black one with white spots under him is mine, but unnamed as of right now...
And his brother, the little brown one with white spots and blue eyes is Mr. Fibbs. He has Fibbs' blue eyes, and the resemblance is uncanny. ;) They should be coming home on my birthday weekend next month...which is perfect timing...the barn should be done by then. :)
Class last Saturday was great...I've decided that the preacher farmer is like a paper doll...(a very big one)...and the only thing you can change on him is his flannel...his bucket hat and overalls, and the big white beard are fixed...
No sign of cat piss either...
We learned about composting. I knew quite a bit about it, but my compost, I now know, is not wet enough. Our teacher Paul, said that your compost needs to be wet enough, that if you pick it up and squeeze it, water should run down your arm...really gross dirty water...
So I have uncovered my compost bin so it can catch some rain...My compost bin is mostly pine shavings, chicken poop, egg shells, and the occasional coffee grounds and kitchen scraps that the chickens don't get.
I also need worms...so for awhile, if I find a worm, its going in the bin...not to the chickens.
Speaking of chickens...I have decided to donate 100% of all profits from egg sales to the Susan G. Komen cure for cancer between now and September. My sister Amy, Mariah and I are doing the 3 day walk in September. It's 60 miles in 3 days. (Jenny Craig would be proud.) Thank you for your support!!!

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