Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Almost two weeks old...

The babies will be 2 weeks old this Friday, and everyone is still doing great! We still are sleeping with earplugs, (I brought a new supply home from work,) and at night they are happy and we are sleeping.
At about 3 days they started getting their little wing feathers, and after about 7 days their tail feathers. At a week old they also started flying. Across the tub and also up toward the top. We knew we had to avoid what was coming. So we ran down to Ace and picked up a roll of rabbit fencing. We put it down over the top, and weighed it down at the corners with some of Patty's fat forensics murder mysteries. The chicks don't like it very much, but it's for their own good.
Their little individual personalities are definitely starting to come through. We have named the 2 Rhode Island Reds Lucy and Ethel. And the 3 Buff Orpingtons are little stinkers. They run around together and love to peck at our silver rings and bracelets. They are Peanut, Butter and Jelly. Almost all of the chicks will jump into our hands to eat feed we have, and a few of them jump up on the edge to see us when the screen is lifted. A lot of them look alike and we keep looking at the hatchery website to see which chicks are going to look like which adult hens.
The other night Patty tore a piece of lettuce and dropped it down to them. One of them grabbed it and took off running. It looked like a tiny football team trying to catch the quarterback. Then another would grab it away and start running. None of them actually tried to eat it, but their game of keep away kept us entertained for about 15 minutes.
So far no crowing....

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