Sunday, March 21, 2010

The "Big girl room"

For several reasons, our girls moved to one of our empty bedrooms today. We put them in a box, cleaned out their tub, and moved them to their new "Big girl room". The accumulation of dust in our bedroom when we are both trying to get over this cold, the constant morse code pecking at night, the bags of pine shavings, food, and scratch that took up so much space, and the red bordello light that's been on in our room 24/7 for the last two weeks were the deciding factors. They are starting to get little combs at the bridge of their beaks, they all have more feathers and one of them occasionally tries to "cluck" instead of "peep". (We can't figure out who.) They are 2 weeks old now and have about another 3 weeks before they go out to their coop. I know we aren't going to be done by then. We still have to reside the back of the barn, paint it, build the run (a task that is huge even though I described it with only 3 words) and put the finishing touches on the inside of the coop.
NOTE! I have had several people request pictures and I will post some soon!

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