Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I stayed home from work today because I had a few appointments to take care of, and it was coincidentally suppose to be 70 degrees!
I dropped Mariah off at school and the headed to Home Depot. I was worried they wouldn't be open yet when I pulled up, but to my surprise they open at 6am!!! How freaking awesome is that?!
I kept my head down when I walked in...not wanting to be recognized from the flashing incident from the week before, and headed for the gardening section. It was P's birthday and she wanted the Topsy turvy tomato plant thingy "as seen on tv." Wanting her to have the best I grabbed it for her and threw the strawberry topsy turvy thingy into the cart too. I cruised around and grabbed some birdseed, a new feeder for down by the barn and some landscaping borders.
I ran a few other places for last minute gifts for Patty, (otherwise she peeks and looks) and headed home.
After wrapping her presents, (in case she decided to head home early), I headed down to the field. The orchard trees had been neglected since last year, and the bases of them were overgrown with weeds. So I plopped down in the grass by the first tree, (A is for apple), and began pulling the weeds.
The sky was blue, the clouds were huge and puffy and there wasn't a spider to be found. I threw quite a few rocks in the river bed, donating to the cause...
After weeding a 4 foot diameter around the tree, I put down fertilizer and put a ring of landscaping border around the tree. I then filled it with about 2 or three inches of mulch. Lastly, I sprinkled this special stuff I found around the tree that is suppose to keep away rabbits and deer. We'll see if it works.
I got the first three trees in the line done before I had to head to Mariah's school for a conference. I did notice before I came up to the house that our fig tree "Fig Newton" was pretty much dead...rigamortis had passed. I'm pretty bummed considering that was the only tree that gave us fruit last year, but it was still tiny. :( The fig was suppose to be cold hardy but something about the winter was too much for it. I think I will just leave it in the ground for now, until I decide if I am going to put another one in it's place or not.

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