Friday, April 2, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

We had agreed to watch our friends' baby Tyler for the morning, so we spent the morning entertained by him. It was weird having a baby around considering our kids are grown. But babies must be like riding bikes because Patty was a wonderful baby sitter and little Tyler just loves her! (He doesn't really like me, but I think that's because Patty told him I bite or something so she could hold him the whole time.) He is the sweetest baby ever and looks like a little turtle and he kept scooting around the floor trying to catch the cats. Aunt Patty has already promised him his own goat and has bought him his own carhart overalls for workin on the farm. Becca and James came to get him at one o'clock and we changed into our work clothes.
Rain Rain Rain....Barn here we come.
We quickly set up our tools and the radio. We put in Patty's new cd she got for her birthday, (the Zach Brown Band) and hurried to put the bottom two pieces of ply wood up on the barn. We used our framing nailer hooked up to the air compressor, and it went really quick! We then used the left over house wrap from when the house was resided, and put up the bottom sheet of wrap. We looked like we knew what we were doing! We pulled out the ladder and Patty climbed up so she could start putting up the second layer. I heard a rustling in the woods and I saw Buddy, (Buddy James when he is in trouble,) our neighbors unnaturally large yellow (more white) lab. Buddy is always happy to visit and is the sweetest thing. Him and Bubba are best friends and neither one of them can figure out how to stay on their own 5 acres. Buddy's dad Bruce (one of the best neighbors ever) came to retrieve Buddy and admired our residing job. Bruce helped originally build the barn almost 30 years ago so he appreciates our efforts to bring it back to it's full potential. After a short visit Bruce headed home with Buddy James in tow, and we continued with the house wrap.
We didn't lose any speed as we put up our first piece of T1-11. POW POW POW and it was up. Before the day was over we had almost the entire bottom row up. We stood back to admire our work and couldn't even see where the seams were. Not sure how we were going to do the next row up, and since it was starting to rain, we cleaned up and headed up to the house to have some of my home made split pea soup! It was a very successful day!!!

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