Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Every time we've been down at the barn, we let the chickens out to forage. They stay around the barn, and it's funny to see them chase bugs, dig up worms, and waddle up and down the dirt road. The only problem is they love to be near if we are working IN the barn, they feel they need to be in the barn too, instead of foraging out in the pasture. So several times, when we go to grab a tool or a 2x4, we find a chicken has been there and left a treat for us. Yuck.
Last week when we were down there, we noticed one of the Partridge Rock hens was limping. I noticed on one of her toes behind her toe nail, a marble sized abscess. After a few rounds around the barn, we were able to catch her, (ridiculous a limping chicken is faster than we are.) P felt her leg and it was hot. She had a pinky nail size scab on her toe. I tried to lift it. It was thick, and was pulling off easily but it started to bleed. After a brief debate, we grabbed the small dog kennel and food and brought the hen up to the house. Patty named her Wynonna. And of course that automatically makes the other two Partridge Rock hens Ashley and Naomi.
***CAUTION**** If you have a sensitive stomach, don't read the rest of this!!!!!!
So we bring Wynonna into the house, and put her in the kennel lined with newspaper, in our bedroom. I immediately went on line to see if I could find anything on chicken toe injuries on my chicken threads I read every now and then. The one common thing I saw was cleaning and soaking the foot in Epsom salts.
We obviously knew the important thing would be to remove the scab and clean and dress the wound.
We laid a towel on the bed, and Patty grabbed us both latex gloves. I picked up Wynonna from the kennel and tried to lay her down...well...chickens don't like to lay down on their sides. I had read on line that it is best to cover them and their heads with a towel. I'm not sure if it calms them, or just distracts them that they are playing fort, or maybe makes them think they are chillin in an egg again. But we tried it with Wynonna and it seemed to work. P was holding her and only her legs were sticking out. I easily pulled off the scab, and it had a cheesy pus attached to the back of it. Patty yelled, "You're hurting her!" and I think I saw her try to sway a little bit. "Do I need to put a towel over your head too?!" I said to her. The toe started to bleed a little. We picked Wynonna up and unwrapped her from the towel. We soaked her feet in the Epsom bath we had prepared. She wasn't amused. I tried explaining to her that all the other little hens weren't getting a manicure, and I'm pretty sure her little eyebrow raised at me....she gets that from Patty.
So we dried off her feet and poured hydrogen peroxide on it. It bubbled a little. It was a pretty deep wound. She had a good size hole in her toe, in the middle of this marble size abscess. So we packed it with neosporin and P made her a little toe cast. We put her in her kennel with lettuce and let her rest.

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