Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ideas, Realizations and Easter eggs...

Good morning all! Today I start my series of 6 classes with my mom...(HI MOM *waving*) As I mentioned before, today's class is about Vegetable Garden Basics: Planning, site needs, raised beds & seed selection. I can't wait, and I'm sure I will buy something cool while I'm there!
Today is the day Victoria is going back to the coop! The wound on her chest looks like a tiny dried up umbilical cord, which is so much better than the 2 inch jagged tear it was. :) She also has way too much energy for me to keep her in the house anymore. Everytime I bend over to clean her kennel out, she tries to jump on my back, or my head...not really sure what that's about. A chicken hug maybe? She thinks she's a parrot? So today is the day for Victoria, and I will get my room back...
Having Victoria here, Wynnona before her, and all 26 of the babies before that, has given me the idea for a "hospital" in the barn. I am going to make the last stall in the barn a sanitized room that will house the kennels, have a big counter, room for medications and supplies, and room for baby chicks or turkeys or whatever. That way when someone is sick, they can be separated from the flock or whatever, but not be in my room. And all of the supplies will be in one spot. Does that mean I won't have baby goats in my room when they come home??? Absolutely not, don't be ridiculous....I'm going to love them, and hug them, and squeeze them, and make them my very own!
While on the topic of the barn, I've made some decisions recently...and while they are personal to me, they are part of this journey of mine, so I felt I would share.... When I first started this blog of "I ride my own white horse," it was about P and I doing this on our own. And it has been a humbling experience and lesson for me to ask for help when I need it. But one I am coming to enjoy with all of the people who are eager to make this place wonderful...and badass. (That means totally great for those of you who need a translation.) Anyway, the barn was to be our project, and I have found that it isn't the same being down there. In fact, working on it without Crabby Patty is sad and depressing. But I need a finished barn. So I've made the decision to hire the work out, and have someone come finish it for me. That way I can focus my time elsewhere. And ok, ok, so I know my barn will never fall down. Not that I couldn't have made it sturdy!!! AND so it can be done in a few weeks, and not in 6 months. That's what this year is all about for me....Sure it is extrememly rewarding to look at something and know that it was my blood, sweat and tears that went in to it. Is it less rewarding to look at something that was done in a quarter of the time knowing my money went into it instead? Ha! That made me giggle...
Anyway, I have a feeling this year will be full of lessons for me...but so far, they are all good.
Last week I got my first order of eggs for Easter....???? Really??? Someone wants to buy my eggs to color for Easter? Weird, but ok. Gather around fellow farm folks, and pull up the nearest hay bale...I am about to teach you something really cool. There is a chicken named an Araucauna, who lays colored eggs. The eggs are all different shades of green and blue. (I'm not shitting you.) So these chickens are also called "Easter egg chickens". Hello? You in the back row? Did you just flip me off????? I'm not making this up, and that is totally unfarmerly behavior! Here, I'll prove it. Someone get that dude a beer...


  1. Becky. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures! The Easter Egg chickens sound totally fun to have. Maybe someday I will be able to have my own little flock but until then I get to root you on. Keep up the great work! :-)

  2. I want precolored eggs no nasty vinegar smell and colored counters. and just to back you up rebecca said that when she was a kid they had chickens that had different colored eggs.

    love you,
