Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simple Pleasures

After a week of everything going wrong, its such a sweet thing for something to go right....
After work I went out to see Dixie. She hasn't been running since September. Last time she was driven, she started riding really hard...(perverts), and dying when she came to a stop.. I've asked a couple of guys at work for ideas to fix her, and when I got home today, I gave it a shot. I popped the hood and looked at all of her hoses. I only saw two out in front that were easily accessible. I pushed them both in. One was tight, and the other one pushed in about an 1/8th of an inch. I figured I'd try to start her not believing that an 1/8th of an inch would make a difference. Well, she started on the third try, and ROARED!!!! That's my girl.
I ran her for about a half hour, and she didn't sputter out once. I wiped her down, (mold had taken over the steering wheel,) and turned on the heater. Tomorrow I am going to drive her around the lake to make sure she is good...If all goes well, I'm back in business. I foresee days of driving her around with the window down and the music cranked. Sweet bliss here I come.
Vickie hasn't returned to the coop yet. She had a hard time digesting the straight food, so I am introducing it a little more gradually. She should be good to go this weekend. Lucky chicken.
This Saturday, my mom and I are starting a series of classes put on by the Master Gardeners of Mason County. We are soooo excited! It is hosted by Kirsten, who taught my farm class.
Our first class is on seed selection and raised beds. I can't wait. Thanks mom for joining me. Two heads are better than one.
I also think I am going to tear down the walls of my bathroom this weekend. Therapy and accomplishing just can't beat that!
Life is good...and I'm where I belong...doing what I should.

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