Monday, January 25, 2010 far

P and I have decided to take on farming this year...on top of our 40 hour + a week jobs....which aren't dainty either...We both work at the local shipyard. I am an electrician and she is a shipwright...(She builds staging and other stuff I wouldn't want to do...) So we are by no means babies....accept after long days when we curse ourselves for not keeping that hottub and rolling it back up the hill...JUST KIDDING...a hottub is in our future though....for the sake of our aches and pains people shouldn't have until they are in their 60's.
BACK TO FARMING!!! So we have the fruit and nut trees in the ground, and have decided to save that poor pathetic little barn and get chickens and possibly goats this year. Maybe even alpacas...those suckers are so cute. Now we aren't going into this blind. My mom raised me around baby chicks, goats, ducks, and rabbits....(which I found out I was allergic to as a kid in 4-H. I nuzzled one and ended up looking like Hitch.) I also had a cat give birth under my covers on the top bunk when I was about 10....there's a memory. So I kind of know what's coming...but we've never had to do the housing prep...and housing comes BEFORE the animals...which I keep having to remind Patty of. So there are grand plans for taking the old tack room, and turning it into a chicken coop with a run out side. We are going to re-side the old pole barn, and replace a post or two. I am going to run all new electrical in the barn and Patty is going to add an extra room for food storage, record keeping, tools, medications etc. That is our grand plan....for starters....and we hope you will join us on this journey...wherever it may lead. :)

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