Monday, January 25, 2010


Hmmm...where to start? I guess introductions would be appropriate...
My name is Becky. I am 32 and crave a simple drama. I work full time, but every day crave being at home. I love to read and write, and swear that one day I will have a published book...If Stephenie Meyer can do it than so can I.
My partner is Patty. She is 34 and used to be a city girl. I think I have converted her. There is something about a simple and drama free life that soothes and calms the soul. Patty loves to read and photograph landscapes. She is quite good and sells them in black and whites. I will post her website when it is complete!
We live on 5 acres in the middle of nowhere...and we like it that way.
We have 4 cats, Oreo, Delilah, Capone and DaVinci. Capone and DaVinci are part bobcat, and are half brothers. Besides occasional National Geographic displays, they are big lovers. Delilah is a siamese manx, and loves to stare at people until they feel uneasy...she is slightly cross-eyed so that could be it....Oreo is very debonair. We think if he could speak he would have a french accent...We also have 2 dogs. Bubba and Belle. Bubba is the epitomy of a redneck dog. We aren't sure what he is, and he may be a little slow at times, but we love him all the same. Belle is our Rottweiler dud. We paid a fortune for her, and she is no killer...more like a bratty little sister...but we love her too.

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