Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eggs for sale!!!

Holy moly...We are getting 18 eggs a day now, and we can't hold on to them. We have been sold out for the last 2 weeks and have a waiting list. Who would have thought? At least the girls are providing for themselves now! We keep all of our egg money in a Ball canning jar on our dresser. Last I counted we have over $80!
I told P that I am going to earn a special farm girl patch when I sell my 20th dozen. She wasn't as thrilled because she has sold 2 dozen. Maybe I am the salesman of the family? After the first week or so, they are selling themselves! I carry them to work in a "Going green" canvas shopping bag, and everyone knows I have an egg delivery. :) We have tried some ourselves too! Scrambled eggs, deviled egg sandwiches, omelettes, and hard boiled eggs. They are incredible! I love how they are all different sizes and different colors. We even have a chicken, (not sure which one,) that regularly lays double yolked eggs! I call those Baker's Dozens. :)
We write down every day on our chicken calendar how many eggs we get, and I keep a log of who I sell eggs to and when. We even have a customer who wants a dozen every Monday! Eggs for sale! $3.50 a dozen!!!

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