Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pet Cemetary and Plan B

A few days after I put the ant killer on the hill, I noticed along the dirt road were some of the ants. I bent down to see what they were doing, and they were all carrying dead ants and dropping them in the road. There were little black spots all over the road. SO maybe I got more than one! I watched one carry a little ant body on it's back...for a moment, very faintly I heard the funeral march. I imagined them crying over their lost loved ones...perhaps a brother...or cousin... It reminded me of what it must have been like during the members dying...piles and piles of rotting bodies. Great sadness and yet great dread of who may be next. I pictured one leaning over to another..."Sam was skipping through the pine needles one moment, and then after eating that great buffet of white powder that fell from the sky, he was gone." It lasted a second...just one teeny tiny second I felt bad for the little guys...and then it was gone. I jogged back down to the barn, grabbed more of the magical buffet, and sprinkled it all over the road and on the hill again. After all, if it's so painful for them to lose loved ones, they may as well all be together...
A few weeks later I talked to my neighbor Bruce who has the same kind of ant hill in an old log on his property. His plan is to pick up the whole thing with his tractor, and drop it on his burning pile.... I knew I liked him...

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