Saturday, August 14, 2010

What did you eat for dinner?

I just watched an amazing movie. If you've seen it, you know where I am coming from. If you haven't, then you should. The name of the movie is Food, Inc. It was a rude awakening, and a slap in the face to what exactly I put in my mouth everyday. Now on some level, I knew it was bad. And that's why P and I are starting our farm, and next year our gardens. To have more control over what we eat. And to provide the opportunity for others to have more control over what they eat, and what they feed their children.
I am not a vegetarian...never have been, and probably never will be. But I can make the conscious choice every day of where my food comes from. Now, my small scale farm will not be built to keep up with demand of any product. All of my animals are, and will be treated with the utmost respect, and if anything are a tadbit too spoiled. But I can honestly say that if I couldn't get my food from my own farm, I would be seeking out another local farm. The following came from the end of Food, Inc.
“You can vote to change this system….three times a day.
Buy from companies that treat workers, animals, and the environment with respect.
When you go to the supermarket, choose foods that are in season. Buy foods that are organic. Know what’s in your food. Read labels. Know what you buy.
The average meal travels 1500 miles from the farm to the supermarket. Buy foods that are grown locally. Shop at farmer’s markets. Plant a garden. (Even a small one.)
Cook a meal with your family and eat together.
Everyone has a right to healthy food. Make sure your farmer’s market takes food stamps. Ask your school board to provide healthy school lunches.
The FDA and USDA are supposed to protect you and your family. Tell Congress to enforce food safety standards and re-introduce Kevin’s Law.
If you say grace, ask for food that will keep us, and the planet healthy.
You can change the world with every bite.
Hungry for change? Go to:"
Please take the time to go check it out. It's not too late.


  1. Good Blog. I am proud of you!

  2. I watched this excellent movie last night!!! Upon recommendation from Krist from my Fibromyalgia list. Uncanny that you have blogged about it today...I WILL have a large garden in Spring and starting with a salad garden and herbs this Fall. This is a MUST SEE movie for anyone who cares about their health or that of their family! Thanks Becky for blogging on this excellent movie!!!
