Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Love Machine and the Feathered Floozies

SIGH...I knew this would happen...and P is absolutely disgusted. Jun is trying to mount the girls. He pecks their heads (karma), until they submit, and then he climbs on them and flaps his wings. Fortunately that's it for now.
Last time we were down there, Patty called me over and told me Jun was being a jackass and attacking the girls. I explained to her what he was doing, and she couldn't believe it was such a violent act. I asked her what she was expecting...a moonlit walk on the beach? Dinner and a movie?
When I went down to see them today, some of the girls were squatting down and waving their butts in the air at him...sluts.
Today I collected 3 eggs. Not one of them was in a nest box. :/ Better luck tomorrow.

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