Thursday, August 5, 2010

In the palm of our hands...

WE GOT OUR FIRST EGGS TODAY!!!! 2 OF THEM!!! On our way home, Patty said, "I think today is the day we get our first egg! I wasn't feeling as certain. In fact, I was becoming a little worried because they hadn't started laying yet....
But when we went down there to fill the waterers, I peeked inside of the 6 nest boxes, and sure enough, in two of them the little wooden egg I had placed in there (to show them where to lay), had been pushed aside and there was a little egg in the middle. So I gently picked them up, and carried them out to P in my cupped hands. Her mouth fell open, and we both got a little teary....all our hard work was paying off! They weren't as small as I expected them to be...and they weren't misshapen at all! One is a slightly darker shade of brown than the other, and they are perfectly beautiful!
I let P carry them up to the house, and we took several pics of them. We've already discussed blowing out the insides so we can keep them forever....Kind of like bronzing baby shoes. :) Besides...soon...there will be more eggs than we know what to do with!!!

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