Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The crow heard round the whole damn neighborhood...

Well...he won't shutup now. Most mornings he starts at 5:45 in the morning...and then he crows...for about 15 minutes...and then he stops for about ten minutes, and crows for about another 10. It's like hitting the snooze button.
We don't mind it...we can't hear it if the windows are closed. My only concern was my neighbors Bruce and Chris. They have been so good to us...and we look out for them...and they look out for us...and I would have hated it if Jun was keeping them up all day and night. So this past week I invited them over to see the girls and the coop. They knew we were getting chickens a long time ago, but when you have acres between you and your neighbor, you don't always see them. So I brought them over, and they fell in love with the girls right away. And they LOVE Jun. They love listening to him all day long.
I have to admit some days when he doesn't stop, I hope he will get little rooster laryngitis. But I think he does it when he is happy, and when he sees or hears a potential predator. AND he is walking perfectly now. Completely back to normal. But his head is still completely hen-pecked. We got a new treatment for his head that is suppose to taste bad. If that doesn't work...he is going to need to join a little feather club for roosters.

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