Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Wiley Coyote...

The little jackass...who the hell did he think he was messing with?! Does he not know whose farm he trotted on to?! I mean, I understand where he could have made the mistake...because the lawn mower is broken, the field does look like the outback...or the African planes....with the grass and bushes being 4 feet tall in some parts...but there was no way I was going to let that dingo eat my babies!!!
Last week I was at the sink, and looked down toward the barn and saw a coyote about 50 ft from the coop. It was about 6pm, and he was staring in their general direction. I called for Patty, and she ran for her camera. He must have heard a little coyote voice in his little coyote head that told him to keep trottin', because he turned in the opposite direction and started trotting toward the other end of the property.
Well, Jun being a little delayed, started crowing at that moment...when the danger was over. So we headed down to the barn to make sure they were all ok. Everyone was ok! Our first predator avoided! Bring it! (I shouldn't say that...next it may be a damn bear...)

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