Saturday, September 25, 2010

Goodbye Serengeti

Long live SUPER STEVE!!! I've been working tons of overtime at work...ten hour days, 6 days a week, and it has really put a damper on my farm building free weekends. Labor day weekend my sister came to town to visit for a few days. She helped collect eggs...which was slightly traumatic for her... She reached into a nest box, and a low growl/hiss came from the box. She just about peed herself and ran out of the coop! I peeked inside the box, and one of the rhode island reds was busy sitting on the eggs. :)
My mom and Super Steve came over to visit with Amy, and Super Steve was only there for about 10 minutes before he insisted on mowing the field. I told him several times it was ok, and that I would get around to it...but he insisted...and it really needed I let him. I filled the tires on the John Deere, and added some gas treatment. With it's brand new blades he took off into the abyss. I followed him for awhile picking up huge armloads of grass clippings and throwing them in the garden cart to take them to the chickens. I took them 3 full loads. They dove into it...scratching through it, eating it...looking for bugs. They LOVED it! 3 hours later, Steve pulled the lawn mower into the barn. The field looked amazing! He wanted us to be able to see coyotes or any other wild life in the yard for our protection, and that of the chickens.
Thank you again Super Steve! You're the best!!!

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