Monday, February 7, 2011


Some people lay on couches, dictating their thoughts to a pen...some drink and smoke...some run, pounding the pavement, not knowing where they are going or what they are running from. Some eat...some don't...some pop pills...and some crawl in bed and never get up....
Not me. I get in my Tahoe, roll down the window, crank up the music, and sing at the top of my lungs! The fact that its only 40 degrees outside doesn't bother me. Sexy songs, angry songs, happy songs and of course some country...try it some without a doubt makes me feel like a million bucks everytime. And if someone pulls up to you looking at you weird, point at your ear and mouth "bluetooth" to them. Or crank it up even more and sing to them, but be careful...thats how weirdos follow you home.
My other favorite therapy is buying and reading books. I just bought a book called "Chipmunk Seeking Squirrel", or was the squirrel seeking the chipmunk? Anyway, its a book of precious short stories about the lives of animals. Every time I read one of the short stories, it gives me the giggles.
The barn has come a long way in the last week, and I've gotten over the fact that I'm not doing the work. I can see this barn done so clearly, I could taste it. (Not that I would ever lick the barn, but you guys know what I mean.) The sagging roof is now straight, and starting tomorrow will be the beginning of my workroom and the little hospital. My heart and soul need for this barn to be finished so I can start my next chapter of my farm. Thank you Troy for all of your hardwork!
Speaking of the hospital, Victoria is doing great. She has been back down in the coop for over a week now, and is having no further impaction issues. I tried telling her today just how lucky she was, and she cocked her head up at me and sqwaked. I don't speak chicken, (surprising I know,) but I think she said "thank you".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beck! Just wanted to say I just did my therapy for the week reading your blog....I love are amazing!!! You need to write bring something to the soul when i read it! With each of your entries i can relate somehow and parallel your experiences in my life...
    Your writings are really my "therapy"...thank you!!!!!
